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"Ubuntu ограничит доступ к user namespace"
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Подсказка: Второй уровень иерархии тем в форуме реализован через вкладку "Показ ключевых тем".
. "Ubuntu ограничит доступ к user namespace" +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (71), 11-Окт-23, 01:51 
В чём я не прав? Хоть бы аргументировали минусы, что ли. Мне всё равно, а окружающих в заблуждение вводите, господа эксперты.
> The namespace sandbox aims to replace the setuid sandbox. It has the advantage of not requiring a setuid binary. It's based on (unprivileged) user namespaces in the Linux kernel. It generally requires a kernel >= 3.10, although it may work with 3.8 if certain patches are backported.
> Linux distributions and Chrome OS (kernel >= 3.8)
> Enabled by default (modern kernels) and actively developed
> In Chromium, sandboxing is applied to most processes other than the main process. This includes renderer processes, as well as utility processes such as the audio service, the GPU service and the network service.
> Sandboxed processes in Electron behave mostly in the same way as Chromium's do, but Electron has a few additional concepts to consider because it interfaces with Node.js.

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Ubuntu ограничит доступ к user namespace, opennews, 09-Окт-23, 23:50  [смотреть все]
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